For U.S. Healthcare Professionals only.

For U.S. Healthcare Professionals only.


52-week safety data

The safety and tolerability profile of COBENFY remained consistent over 52 weeks1

EMERGENT-4 was an open-label extension of EMERGENT-2 & -3 involving patients from both the COBENFY and placebo groups1

TEAE Incidence From EMERGENT-41*

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In this long-term, open-label trial1:

  • TEAEs led to discontinuation in <15% of participants

*Adverse event severity was determined by the investigator’s clinical judgment, as specified in the clinical trial protocol.1
aDyspepsia includes dyspepsia and esophageal discomfort.2
bHypertension includes hypertension, blood pressure increased, labile hypertension, and orthostatic hypertension.2
cAbdominal pain includes abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain upper, abdominal pain, abdominal pain lower, and abdominal tenderness.2
TEAE=treatment-emergent adverse event.

View study design

Long-term safety and tolerability was assessed in EMERGENT-4, an open-label extension of EMERGENT-2 & -3 involving patients from both the COBENFY and placebo groups.1 See additional study design details.

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  1. Data on file. Karuna Therapeutics, Inc., a Bristol Myers Squibb company; Boston, MA.
  2. COBENFY. Prescribing Information. Bristol Myers Squibb Company; 2024.

Cobenfy, Cobenfy Cares, and the Cobenfy logo are trademarks of Karuna Therapeutics, Inc., a Bristol Myers Squibb company.
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